Our Commitment to change

This T-Shirt is the match to light a fire within our own business and the fashion industry in which we live. It signifies Good Good Good, Sol-Sol, Maylee and OSCS’s commitment to actively join the fight to work against systemic racism in the way we run our business.
100% of the Profit of this T-Shirt will be donated to Food Flow, which provides food to the most vulnerable people facing food insecurity during the COVID-19 lockdown.
This action also signals the start of a dialogue on improving BIPOC lives in the South African Fashion Industry. We don’t have all the words, all the knowledge, or all the ideas, but we do have a plan of action.
We actively invite everybody in our industry to reflect on their role in the industry, and engage with us and become part of a movement for the greater good.
Mathew Kieser – solsol@sol-solmenswear.com